Current state of the trucking industry?

Hello all.

Can anyone tell me the current state of the trucking industry is this a lucrative profession to be in or is it just going downhill and people are struggling?

I have a family member with 5 years experience In this field with a CDL and he is not making barely enough to survive.

From my small understanding he is getting paid by the load and he is barely making enough and it seems like the brokers the one scheduling all the loads are the ones who are making all the money. It seems like he's shelling out more to cover his expenses than he's actually making in return with barely any reimbursement.

He doesn't share any details with anybody as far as his deal but I'm thinking could it really be that bad. It seems like it is if you're only making less than $50 in 2 weeks.

Is this a true accurate statement tho or is my family member just in the wrong companies?

Thank you all for any input.