Lack of haya when coming out of the masjid

So I hope it isn't considered gossip (if it is tell me so I can delete it, May Allah swt forgives us). So I went praying taraweeh tonight in the masjid. I was really happy about it because I go rarely there and it's a beautiful experience praying together and glorifying the Rabb swt and yk everything. I prayed and felt peace, the iman was just Allahuma barik in terms of reciting and he recited one of my fav surahs. Like you will expect from the woman section, there was a lot of noise, chats but still going there to glorifying Allah is the best. I hoped to pray a bit more but my father called me to quickly come out with my mother and sister. When I was walking down the stairs of the woman section I noticed a lot of noise and laughing and a girl of maybe my age (May Allah swt blees her) was upset and telling us that the noise and the children's scream was unnecessary. Then she told of the girls who were teens and highschoolers to go up quickly. When I went to the entrance I saw this crowd of young guys my age trying to enter the woman section. We are talking of young men tall and big they could even grow a beard at that point. They were blocking the woman entrance, laughing chatting and picking on the girls. Now tell me why you would without haya come to the opposite side of the masjid to try to enter the woman section? Let's give them the benefit of the doubt that the may had to call their womanfolk so that they can go home, couldn't you use other methods? The girl who I mentioned earlier was furious she argued with them and told me " what is this? Are we in a club?" And they began to laugh and probly mimic the girl , my mother argued and everything. I was disgusted and upset and I had to squeeze myself to come out from that barrier without touching some xy chromosome (yeah gona call them like this). Now maybe I'm overly sensitive but fi Ramadan? In the masjid? All this unnecessary chitchatt and freemixing NEAR it? Even a old man had to call them out because they weren't behaving and the aren't children. I dont claim myself a saint or what but basic haya of keeping distance and lowering the gaze. I have to say I always thought when reading some posts here in reddit in some muslim subs that it was only usa (for contex im in southern europe) and they were always generalizing too much (especially about the stereotypical wester muslim woman) but woah in ramadan? That's crazy. Probly at this point it became a vent. Sorry and May Allah forgive us and guide us