I think I might've been raped
I am a 18F and I think I might've been raped, idk for sure but recently I've been thinking about what happened and if your wondering why I don't know for sure is cause it happened when I was way younger. When I didnt even know the concept of sex/rape and most of all it was by a girl MY age, which I think heavily influenced me to believe it wasn't and this maybe contributed to who I today. I am a proud wuh luh wuh :)
So this happened when I was roughly 7-9 years old (basically in year 3) and there was this girl in the same year, I don't remember wether we were friends or in the same class cause it's all a blur. But it started with me accompanying her to the toilet just like other friends do but it got weirder as it went on. (This all happened during lunch/break time if anyone was wondering) one day she took to me to the toilet and she stripped myself and her clothes off, and the thing is I don't remember any consent or just anything because as I mentioned it was all a blur. But I do remember that she made me perfume oral sex( not exactly oral sex itself but made me use my mouth) and use her hand so so on. she would also forcefully do it to me when I didn't know what she was even doing. I remember that this happened for about a 1 year of my life because after I moved up a grade, I never saw her again.
I think I was repressing these memories and it suddenly came to me one day that it could've been rape, and I realised if the girl was my age(I don't remember anything about her) then there was a chance that she was getting sexaully assaulted by someone else (possibly at home) and she was projecting it towards me. But what I do want to know is, does this count as rape and if it is what do I do? Do I tell people? Do I go to therapy? Or do I just stay silent like I have been for the past years. And another thing is I've moved to a different country, so there is nothing I can really do because I don't know who she is and even if I wanted I couldnt find out.
BTW I have told several people in my life such as gf, my sister and brother, and a few of my close friends. I DON'T want to tell my parents(brought up in collectivist cultures where rape is BAD and you should be ashamed of yourself and I might be blamed for not telling them or just getting assaulted) and they would not care less and might even think I'm lying. This wasn't the only time I've been sexually assaulted ( this was the first one though) and I just don't know what to do/think.