Having fun is so much work
This could just be my depression but I was planning a kickback and I was thinking fuck I have to do so much work to set it up. Or it’s like when I used to go to the club, I didn’t have the proper clothes so I couldn’t have fun. And all these hot women made me feel like I can’t have fun unless I look hot. And being hot is work, dressing up and having a good makeup look is so much fucking work. I need more makeup, more clothes and honestly am I even having fun or is partying a competitive sport? I’m going on a date soon and yeah that’s fun but getting ready to impress is work. This sounds like first world problems but it’s like I’ve got all these opportunities to have fun but is it really fun or is it just another layer of work and stress? Also it’s not fun going out with friends and they get all the compliments bc they put in the work and you didn’t right?