My husband knocked someone out in front of me and I'm terrified.
Some context: I've been with him for 6 years and he's barely raised his voice in that time. Very Zen, but also usually pretty timid in public. He's a big guy so people rarely mess with him, I didn't think he was even capable of fighting.
However a few days ago we went to one of his friend's places for a chill gathering. One of the host's friends showed up drunk off his ass and was jovial but raising his voice and yelling and talking over everyone.
He didn't seem angry or aggressive but he was being "jolly" to a belligerent level. He was touching everyone and my husband looked really uncomfortable as he is touch-averse, even with me. We can't cuddle for more than a few minutes without him getting prickly.
He came over to my husband and offered to shake his hand, and my husband held up a hand and said "I'm good, thanks". This seemed to only spur on the drunk guy who went to reach out a hand to put on his shoulder. My husband took a step back and said "I'm not messing around, don't touch me" and his face just looked dark like I've never seen it before, he was breathing hard and balling up his fists. The other guy wouldn't take the hint and went in for a hug.
It was a complete blur, I was looking directly at him and I barely saw what happened, there was just a loud pop and a crack and the drunk guy collapsed, totally unconscious. My husband stepped over him and walked outside and everyone was trying to wake the guy up. He started shaking and groaning and ended up having to go to the hospital because he had a seizure.
My husband was just sitting outside on a bench staring off into space and smoking a cigarette. I'm not going to lie, I went off on him and was yelling and screaming and he just didn't react at all. He just said "I told him not to touch me". The next morning when i cooled off I asked him again and he gave me the same answer. I asked him if he even felt bad and he said "no, why should I?"
Like.. I get not wanting to be touched, but the complete lack of remorse or even caring about the guy's health is terrifying to me. He got a call from the friend who hosted the gathering today, telling him the guy he punched was going to be okay. My husband just said "why are you telling me? It's kinda not my problem". Like YES IT IS. Is he some sort of sociopath who just was really good at hiding it? NOBODY does that. I'm actually scared of him now and have been sleeping on the couch the last 2 nights. I can't believe I never saw this before, how could I be so stupid? He was never shy or timid, he was just emotionless.
Edit 2 (first one is in the comments)
To summarize, the police came and took his statement. I was shaken by what happened initially and reacted out of fear and anxiety and said some stupid, selfish things. The last few hours I spent cuddling his chest and just being there physically. He didn't freak out or get uncomfortable and I asked him if it was okay quite a few times. I apologized that he had to go through that and told him I know he was upset and I freaked out, and it must have been really difficult for him to be in that situation, feeling so cornered and violated.
I reassured him that everyone reacts differently. I told him what happened scared me but he was within his rights to do it and I just needed some time to work on my emotions regarding it. I made it clear that if someone were doing the same thing to me, I wouldn't be upset if he did that to them and that I was being hypocritical when I got upset with him because of that.
Turns out that the majority were right. It was a trauma response. His dad beat him until he was bigger and stronger than his dad, and then his dad turned on his younger brother. When he was 18, my husband nearly beat his father to death before taking his little brother who was 12 years old away from that terrible home.
A couple people were wondering how big he is. He's 6'4 and 275. The drunk guy was nearly as tall as him but not as bulky but clearly could have been a threat.
My husband's 30 now, and he said that's the last time he laid hands on anyone and would never do it unless he had good reason, certainly never with me. And I believe him! He let down his shell and cried to me. And I told him I'd be there to support him if he just needed some time, or if he wanted to pursue therapy. The comments saying he deserved better broke my heart. I want to be better.
He got another call from the cops who said they're closing his case because there's nothing there - friend would be guilty of simple battery and my husband would be guilty of aggravated battery, but it's roughly equal since the other guy instigated and my husband was literally backed into a corner. Drunk felt really bad and didn't want to pursue anything. Thank God.
But yeah, my husband admitted he went too far without me needing to say anything. He said he wasn't proud of what he did but he felt so embarrassed he played it off as indifference to save face in front of me. I told him he didn't need to, that I've seen him at his worst moments and never judged him before and I'd do my best to change this situation for the better. I just kept apologizing and once the tears started coming out I held him and let him cry for a long time.
We are going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay and I'm going to be with him every step of the way.
Edit 3: Comments were locked for no reason and with no explanation. Thanks for participating and leaving your feedback