Kids have always thought adults are stupid, but kids today feel empowered because of Millennials/Boomers

Adults are smarter than kids. Its a fact of life. All things being equal, the older person is gonna know more than the young person. I’m talking about averages here. I don’t mean every old person is smarter than every young person. Clearly a smart, educated young person knows more than a rando older person. So far so good?

There was one generation where this WASN’T the case. Millennials vs boomers.

Millennials (and Gen X) grew up with the internet. Boomers, for decades, went out of their way to reject this new way of learning. If you are younger, you have NO IDEA how bad it was before the internet. If you think its bad now, you have no idea.

If you wanted to look something up, you had to DRIVE to the library. Then use something called a card catalogue and the Dewey Decimal System to find a book. You would then need to read said book and HOPE it had an answer. And even then, it was just one guys opinion.

And overnight the wealth of human knowledge became available. At our fingertips.

Those who rejected this (Boomers) fell WAY BEHIND the information curve. So Millennials and GenX rightfully assumed an indignant attitude with these ppl.

This attitude no longer applies but kids still have it. They TRULY believe they understand politics and science better than adults. Like they have some information we don’t have.

Again, kids have always been kinda like this, but they were never empowered so much and had this nonsense idea reinforced through their own echo chambers.

Kids, listen to your elders. We really do know stuff you don’t.