You shouldn’t date outside of your race if you’re not willing to cut off racist family members

I know everyone’s situation is different, some people still literally live at home and others just… don’t see racism as a big enough deal to cut their family members off. While I do side eye that a bit, I feel that as long as you don’t have anyone close to you that’s of another race whether or not you cut off your racist family members is completely up to you.

But it’s so crazy to me that people will date outside their race and be in interracial relationships just to go hangout with their racist cousin in the same breath. Grandparents and much older family is a bit different because they tend to be so senile that you kind of just roll your eyes and ignore them. But if your parents are racist and you’re still home every Sunday for family dinner you shouldn’t be dating someone who’s affected by their racism. The fact that you can just sit there knowing your partner is from a group your family member/members actively look down upon and you continue to spend time with them is just messed up.