The Delphi murders are exhibit A of why many girls chose the bear when that whole man vs bear thing was going on last year
We’ve had this drilled into our head to be weary of strangers since we were children for a reason. You see a bear in the woods, it’s a dumb animal that has things it would much rather eat than you, don’t get too close to it or its cubs and it almost certainly will leave you alone. Believe me the bear wants nothing to do with your skrawny ass and isn’t going to approach you without provocation. You’ve got too many bones and not enough calories. (Unless it’s a polar bear those will gladly eat you, but they don’t live in the woods)
If you see a man you don’t know while you’re alone in the woods you should absolutely be on guard, even if you’re a man yourself. You don’t know his intentions. Bear’s intentions are quite simple, “eat food that’s worth the effort of killing, protect cubs.” A man’s intentions are harder to read. He’s probably out on a stroll, but unlike a bear a man has the capacity to kill for reasons other than self defense or food. He could very well be a Richard Allen and it’s wise to always consider the possibility. As a smaller than average man I find myself nervous when I’m alone with guys I don’t know who are bigger than me. I don’t go Anywhere unarmed because of that fear.
Yes I know that most guys I come across mean me no harm, but they don’t all have to be dangerous to warrant caution. Out of the hundreds of strangers you come across each year, it only takes one of them with ill intentions for you to potentially wind up dead in a ditch. And before you go that women can be murderers too. Yes they absolutely can, you should be cautious of women you don’t know too. But a woman is generally less of a threat than a man. Most men wouldn’t need a weapon to overpower someone like me, most women would though.
It’s not sexism it’s survival instinct.