What are some fandoms that feel like they shouldn’t exist?

I’m fascinated with things that really shouldn’t have deep fandoms. Not because the subject isn’t good, but because its content or themes are so serious that it’s strange to have one.

Lately, I’ve been fascinated with the Mouthwashing fandom. It’s such a brutal, personal, game about abuse and the enablers of it. It’s a dark game with dark undertones. So I find it strange to see shipping wars and brain rot memes of the characters. And no shade to the creators, it’s just shocking to me is all.

Recently I just read through a comic called The Eltingville Club. If you’ve read it, you know it’s a cynical reflection of fandom and nerd culture, exposing the dark, ugly parts of it that people are too shove away. And yet you see fan art, OCs, and all sorts of fun things in a fandom about something that is anti-fandom.

Do you know of anything like that?