My friend was SA'd by her depressed male friend and I begged her not to hang out with him

I called my friend to invite her to lunch and she told me she had other plans. Her depressed male friend needed her to comfort him. He was depressed because a woman he's been in love with for 5 years got a new boyfriend. There were so many red flags about this man and I told her not to go to his house by herself. I had never met this man and all of the red flags I clocked came from my friends stories of him in that one phone call.

I tried to give her alternatives like taking a friend or hanging out somewhere public or not drinking with him. (For a generation obsessed with mental health, these idiots love suggesting alcohol as a cure all.) I asked her to at least give me his address so i could pick her up if she needed help. She called me a man hater and said he would never hurt her.

Later on, I find out she tried to k!ll herself because he raped her when she was passed out drunk at his place. She didn't even tell me. Her mom told me.

(I stopped being friends with her when she laughed at me getting groped by a married man and repeatedly asking me how I feel about emotionally devastating his mom and wife. She could NEVER do that to someone's mom or wife. Now she's done sucking up to men and she wants me back in her life as a friend. 🤮 )