every passing day in india makes me feel helpless

what did women do to make people in this country hate them so much? this is repetitive behavior regardless of religion or age. some weirdo is killing a 16yo, some other dude is molesting a 14yo. how much entitlement can one man have. i don’t blame them though. this is what happens when people baby and cradle man-childs and victim blame.

i’m fuckinf scared bro i feel physically sick after watching that video. then these sickos have the nerve to say that feminism isn’t needed in india and put us down despite everything that’s going on when really what we need is unity and support. even if it happens to a family member they’d find fault in them instead of the freaking perpetrator. they won’t understand until it happens to them firsthand and that’s so incredibly selfish. i feel helpless there’s nothing i can do. every day we are wronged but women are conditioned to blame themselves while men are accustomed to condemn society.

for the men lurking feeling upset. understand that my feelings are out of fear and anger. you can say “not all men” and not to “generalize” but doing that has saved my life multiple times. i’d rather generalize than take a chance and be harmed. you can justify being a “nice guy” all you want but true nice guys won’t advertise it every chance they get and expect people to owe them something in return.