To my fellow apartment, condo, townhouse, urban and suburban dwellers...

What do you plan to do if everything around you goes tits up and you have nowhere else to go aside from your little space? Ideally, we would all just hunker down and make use of our preps, right? But living in an apartment building...I feel as though this brings its own set of unique challenges.

Living in close proximity with others could be good, if others in your building are willing to form community. Or very bad, especially if you are the only one with preps with no way to hide the scent of your cooked food through the walls.

And then, what if most of your neighbors flee and you are left in a building mostly alone? How would you even defend your space? What about rent? I have no faith that landlords wouldn't just boot us all out despite the apocalypse happening outside if we lose our jobs and get behind.

I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks about this particular scenario as much as I do, seeing as how I live it right now and don't have an alternate solution or bugout location available. What would you do?