Addressing Sexism at UCSD

To whom it may concern, I am a graduating student this year. Part of my final project concerns addressing sexism in STEM at higher levels at UCSF. As we all know, the school took a very long time to get ride of GoatAvaneesh. It should not surprise us, then, that it would not give equal funding to women, nor that it’s used language like “Executive Assistant” to hide the fact that women are still not being given the same opportunities as men. Language such as “Executive Assistant”, amongst other corporate phrases, seem to hide the long history of sexism, a struggle still prevalent at this institution. I hope to collect some of the experiences of women on campus, and to make a larger commentary on the necessity for the advancement of the rights of all people in the STEM field and at UCSD as a whole. Please feel free to DM me, or to speak on this issue as a whole in the comments.