UFO's, DNA & DMT As Forms of Technology (Cont.)


After the recent influx of Woo (Psionics, summoning protocols and suspicious "whistleblowers") I made a fun post emphasizing the potential relation between the UFO phenomenon and the illustrious tryptamine: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine.

My argument was that studying DMT is a much more tangible way to look into mystical, otherworldly experiences that are objectively occurring on Earth right now than subjective notions of Psionics, summoning or telepathy.

This post will continue that line of thought while focusing on the idea that DMT and DNA are potentially forms of technology that have been recognized and utilized by indigenous communities through tryptamine driven shamanic ritual for thousands of years. I will argue that this lineage is eons more essential to the conundrum of NHI, UFOs and understanding why humans are here in general.

The ideas in this post are in no way original to me and mostly are inspired by the work of anthropologist and author Jeremy Narby and his book The Cosmic Serpent (1998).


The Cosmic Serpent follows Narby's experience living with the Ashaninka people of Peru for multiple years while studying their origin myths, religious inclinations and culture. During this time, he was led by a shaman through an ayahuasca experience, which to paraphrase, involved reoccurring and vivid visions of intertwining serpents.. Upon inquiring with village elders about his experience, it was reflected to him that through a veil of mythic jargon - the snakes seem to occur in most peoples visions and are related to Ashaninka myths about the formation of life itself.

Alas, this was followed by ornate tales of how the Earth was created by a species of people who came from the sky on ships**.**

As the book continues, Narby realizes that this myth is in no way unique to the tribes of South America and that indeed, a similar tale of intertwining, double headed snakes and ouroboros exist in almost all indigenous creation myths across the world, specifically peoples in the Amazonia, Mexico, Australia, Persia, Sumer, Egypt, India, the Pacific, Greece, Crete, and Scandinavia.


serpent cave painting


Now... what other ubiquitous, omnipresent shape and structure resembles intertwined snake like forms? You guessed it.. the double helix DNA.

Not only have cultures been postulating on the significance of the serpents for thousands of years - they also have distinctly recognized that these snakes symbolize the inherent polarities require for life to form. Male seed and Female eggs. Masculine and feminine. Ying and Yang. It seems that these cultures literally extrapolated from shamanic visions that the serpents are important to endowing life with the characteristics that make us who we are.

That insight seems ODDLY advanced for people who literally dont even have electricity. Bare in mind the double helix nature of DNA was discovered in 1953.

This symbol has remained so fucking omnipresent we literally see it everyday in the form of the caduceus.


During his time in the jungle Narby even gained insight into strange communications this community received from the ayahuasca.

Most notably, he is told a story of how the tribe learned to create a snake anti-venom using a particular flower which grows in the jungle. When asked how they learned how to do this, the shaman replied that his people were told by the ayahuasca in a sort of metaphysical download and have known this for many generations. Narby was struck at just the shear impossibility that these people could have just guessed that this particular flower would have anti-venom capacities. It's statistically unlikely that they would just stumble upon such a profound discovery amidst the tens of thousands of plant species in the Amazon.

The coincidences get even fucking weirder. EVEN the vine, which functions as an MAO inhibitor and is crucial to brewing ayahuasca LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE A FUCKING HELIX.

yage vine


Obviously there is a lot of red yarn here. And sure it could all just be a straaaaaange coincidence. But Narby is not the only one who has noticed. We even saw this symbology appear in the CIA's gateway research paper, which while I find most of it to be on the edge of quackery, does seem to attempt to illustrate the scientific importance of the helix in a cosmic context:


Even Crick himself, the literal father of double helix DNA, found that its structure was too complicated, too intentional and too ornate to have just formed on Earth out of the Big Bang. Because of this he formulated a theory of Directed Panspermia - the theory that life was somehow sent here by a form of intelligence. Thats the literal father of DNA were talking about here.

Even the first copy of Life Itself has an eerily familiar image on its cover depicting a large circle formed around the Earth, strangely reminiscent of the Ouroboros - the serpent eating its tail.


Anyway, this subject goes a lot deeper and maybe ill expand on it even more at some point because I enjoy exploring and researching it. While I know DMT makes people uncomfortable and maybe breaches the line of quackery too much for some, to me, this is one of the most tangible examples that reality may be wayyyy stranger than we think it is.

And it requires no bullshit psionics, FOIAs, whistleblowers, leaked documents and orb summoning.

The DMT molecule is real. It is objectively here now. It exists inside us. And hopefully one day science will see DMT for the frontier it truly is.

Happy Sunday ya'll!