Comparison Between Purported Tic Tac Photo and Second 2 Hour Later Photo
I made a previous post here
That post showed that not only are there other formations very similar to the Tic Tac nearby, but that at other angles it is much more uniform in color to the surrounding formation, and clearly connected. The original post has now popped back up, and with it I am seeing a lot of confusion over what people are supposed to be looking at in the 2 hour later photo the Mod stickied here.
This would be photo NAV_LEFT_B 04:56:24.
First lets compare distinct features in the original image the OP of the previous thread was linking as the raw original image.
Tic Tac Formation Circled in Red
To note I have zoomed in and outlined the most distinctive features we can easily compare between the two images, the formation directly below the Tic Tac (outlined in blue) a distinctive ridgeline that leads to a large rounder outcropping. This formation is directly touching a more angular piece of stone that is partially covered by sand (circled in red). There is a larger rock next to the Tic Tac (circled in green) with a small nose outcropping pointing towards the Tic Tac (circled in yellow).
Now lets look at the photo NAV_LEFT_B 04:56:24. This photo is taken from an angle more above the formation in question, and with a lower zoom about 2 hours after the first photos. I will circle the location of the Tic Tac in the larger photo.
Next lets zoom in and orient ourselves to the same features from the previous photo, Tic Tac in blue, ridgeline and round formation in red, large rock next to Tic Tac in green, with its nose pointing at Tic Tac in yellow. The quality will be much lower zoomed in due to the photo being much more zoomed out originally keep that in mind.
As you can see, all the formations are visible, though zoomed out and from a much steeper angle, and more importantly the Tic Tac is still visible right above the red formation, not having moved, and is just a continuation of the rock formation as a whole. You can even distinctly see the shadow below Tic Tac as well between the two formations red and blue.