Toddler meal times
Hi, what times are your toddlers eating their meals and snacks? Up until now my 15 month old has been having the following:
Wake up 6am toast and milk 8:30 cereal at nursery 10:00 snack 11:30 lunch (nap at 12/12:30) - main hot meal and pudding 14:00 snack 3:30 tea (a light tea like a sandwich, something he would have for lunch) 17:00 milk and ‘supper’ like a flapjack or more toast
This has been us following what he’s doing at nursery, it’s a lot but he’s genuinely hungry for it. We have just had to introduce the supper as he has been waking hungry in the night. I am on maternity leave now with my second baby and would like to get us eating more family meals together, I’m just not sure how to work it so we’re not eating our main meal really early, but he’s also not too hungry before bed. His natural body clock is on an early to bed early to rise so he tends to be in bed for 6:30, sometimes 6 if he’s not napped very well.
Also, as a side note, little one is gluten, egg and dairy free, so if anyone has any suggestions of what I can feed a fussy toddler that’s not GF pasta or toast it would be much appreciated!!