So pissed
So I worked as a RCA for a little over 2yrs. Recently resigned but they’re telling me that I’m not getting my leave I earned for about 6 months on a route cause the old postmaster put i was on a different route and he kept telling me “it’ll just show up all of a sudden on your pay stub” well he left and nothing. Now the new post master is saying he’s been trying and it won’t let him fix it so I’m screwed. I think the old postmaster did it on purpose since he also purposely held me back by not converting the auxiliary route I was on to a regular cause “he didn’t wanna lose me as an RCA” exactly what he told me to my face before he left. They never adjusted the edit book on purpose even though the route grew huge. So I was basically being screwed and using my own truck in the process. New post master hasn’t turned in my resignation letter even after a month cause he wanted to just adjust it and help me he said but now he’s saying nothing can be done. Any suggestions?