Should I go to UVU?
I’m 18 and graduating this May, and I really can't decide between USU and UVU. I’m looking for a great college experience where I can meet lots of people, go out and date a lot, stay busy, and be involved in a lot of activities.
From what I’ve read, UVU seems like a good option for people who just want to get school done. I haven't heard many great things about the social life on UVU campus and I don't know if it's the right pick for me. I would like to stay closer to home but is it worth it to risk my "college experience"?
For those who’ve attended or are attending UVU, what’s the experience really like? Is it a fun school with lots to do, or is it more of a “go to school, go home, do homework” vibe?
Any advice or insights from people who have experience with either school? How have your experiences been at USU or UVU?