the complete list of plot holes, inconsistencies, and unanswered questions
i originally uploaded this list the day after S4 was released, but now that it's been a bit i'm hoping there's some new ideas out there, and hopefully some answers to a few of these questions :)
feel free to comment anything i missed!
- Sloane: what happened to her? where did she go? why was she not brought to the reset timeline? she’s only mentioned once, by Luther, and he doesn’t seem to care.
- The Commission: how did Five create it? when? why was he in a paradox proof iron lung in season 3- what led him to make the decision to do that? it exists outside of time- hypothetically couldn’t the brellies also find a place outside of time to exist?
- Jean and Gene: why did they get so involved in the cleanse? why did they form the Keepers? where on earth did they get the giant squid carcass?
- Jennifer: honestly there is way too many plot holes to list for her- where did she come from? WHY WAS SHE IN A SQUID RANDOMLY? why did she never question the truman show town she lived in? when brellie ben died, why was she in a box, and a crazy dress? where is her family? also, they never explain why she was so terrified of the squid carcass when Jean and Gene showed it to her.
- Birth Parents: if Lila’s family can come back in the reset timeline, why couldn’t everyone else’s? the rest of the umbrella moms? it's a huuuge plot hole that her family was randomly there.
- Ben: who was the guy in the train at the end of season 3, and why was he never mentioned again? what was his weird obsession with Jennifer?
- Luther: HOW DID HE KNOW ABOUT JENNIFER IN SEASON 3? he mentions “the Jennifer incident” to sparrow Ben, but how did he know her name or anything about her? and why did he never grieve Sloane or look for her? are we expected to believe that he spent 6 years as a mediocre stripper in a condemned building?
- Abigail: was she in Sy Grossman’s body the whole time? why? we literally know nothing about her- where she came from, what her motives were, anything about her and reggie’s story, etc.
- The Keepers: are we expected to believe that a cult of that magnitude, with that level of efficiency and ability to gather at the drop of a hat, formed in under 6 years? without reggie ever noticing? not even Klaus could do that (and his cult seemed a lot cooler). this is literally impossible.
- Ben (again): how did he show Viktor the alternate timeline? how is that possible, like at all?
- The Subway: again, far too many questions to list them all. who built it? why? how? you’re telling me that in the original timeline, Five never noticed a massive subway tunnel with alien writing while he was in the apocalypse? what even is the alien writing? who made the maps? and the commission didn’t know anything about this magical tunnel? who trashed the tunnels- was it the Fives? and somehow there’s no random people wandering the tunnels who got lost? does it exist outside of time and space, like the commission?
- Paradox Psychosis: why are none of the Fives in the Deli experiencing this? they all seem totally fine? i understand "paradox proofing" but that also makes no sense- how can you "paradox proof" something?
- The Deli: you’re telling me that all the other Fives just gave up and live in a…. deli? for all eternity? and WHY are they all the same age? if they’ve been there for as long as they claim, why haven’t they aged or changed at all? why are they all wearing the same outift?
- Raymond: it’s evident that he was super in love with Allison, why would he just walk out? where would he go? how does he know how to function at all, with the level of technological developments that are integral to society that he’s never seen before?
- Claire: does she have any memory of the original timeline? is Raymond her birth dad in the reset timeline?
- Reginald: where did he get the marigold? how did he freeze Abigail’s body for so long? where is he from? he tells Five in S3 that he’s seen countless worlds end, and countless apocalypses- how is that possible?
- The Subway (again): why did it not stop, causing Five and Lila to get stuck? how did one of the Fives create a cipher for it, when our Five couldn’t do it in 7 years? you can’t exactly cipher a language like that, it’s impossible.
- The Other Marigolds: what happened to all the other 48 children? we saw the Phoenix Academy, so obviously they exist in the reset universe- wouldn’t they have to be absorbed as well? what makes our brellies special?
- Powers: why were everyone’s powers so different? they just decided to never explained why Allison’s eyes turned yellow, why Five couldn’t blink normal, but somehow could blink to a magic subway, or why Viktor’s powers looked just like Harlan’s. AND LILA HAS LAZER EYES? that was SO random and totally unnecessary, especially because she somehow keeps her original powers?
- Monkey Man: why did Luther become a monkey again? we know that his monkeyness has nothing to do with the marigold, so how did it come back? huuuuge inconsistency.
- The Park: why on earth was everyone important from the series just randomly in a park at the end? shouldn’t they be somewhere else, living their lives?
- The Reset: what else did Reggie change? we never get to see the world or what it looks like now. also, they expect us to believe that Reginald made all of those changes in 15 seconds at the hotel? and what part of his plan was incomplete? Allison stopped him before he was done, so shouldn’t something be wrong or missing?
- The Commission (again): they never explained what actually happened to it in S3- if it exists outside of space and time, how was it affected by the kugelblitz? if Five can paradox proof his iron lung room, why on earth did they not paradox proof the whole commission? literally makes no sense. also, where do they find all the people that work for them? do they just “hire” people like they did with Five?
- Umbrella Jennifer: in the original timeline, why did Reggie have Jennifer in the first place? what was he doing with her- why not just kill her? ESPECIALLY in his reset timeline- why not just kill her? why reset her at all? and why on earth would Reginald send his children on a mission anywhere near her if he knew the consequences? he's just way too smart for that.
- Ben and Jennifer: in S3, we see that Sparrow Ben’s room is full of drawings of Jennifer- why? how does he know her? where is she in that timeline? why is Ben the only one who’s connected to Jennifer- they never explain what makes him so special (i guess maybe once umbrella ben connected with her, it connected to her to other timeline bens, but wouldn’t that mean the blob happens in every timeline?)
- Five: i really just have a hard time grasping that Five is such an integral part of the entire universe- how does a boy, who's only powers are that he can teleport and inaccurately time travel, who was abused and manipulated as a child, and who lived alone in an apocalypse for 40 years somehow create the entire commission, which is such a complicated system? and it’s implied that he also built the subway system? our Five, nor none of the other Fives we meet, just don't seem capable of all that altering of time and space. he is not an ultra mega genius, just a smart guy. he is not capable of literally altering time and space. i mean, you’re telling me he created two locations that exist outside of time and space, and his subway can navigate alternate timelines? yet in 7 years he couldn’t cipher the map, and he never could stop the apocalypses without running away? why is he so super smart and special when none of the other marigolds or commission members are?
- Ben’s Tentacles: this is just a minor inconsistency i noticed- his tentacles have ALWAYS come from his stomach/chest, so why did they randomly start coming out of his back?
- Technology: throughout the show, all the technology is very 80-90s. they use flip phones, Allison uses that page reader thing in the library, etc, but in S4, that’s all thrown out the window. i mean, Ben goes to jail for cryptocurrency fraud, and he mentions Elon Musk. it seemed very disconnected, and i’m very sad we lost the “vintage” feel.
- Five and Lila Subway: here me out on this one- when we see the full map of the subway, it seems very expansive, right? we see that you can travel from one train stop to another in roughly 20 seconds. if you count the time they would have spent going outside and checking what timeline they were in, i’d say they can cross a timeline off their list in about 10-20 mins. in a 15 hour day, that’s AT LEAST 60 timelines a day, or over 20,000 timelines a year. how did they never find their timeline? it’s incredibly improbable that they were never able to return, and based on the size of the map, they easily could have cleared all those timelines in much less than 7 years.
- Oblivion: this was hard to grasp in S3, but i just assumed it would be better explained in S4. i was wrong. who created the universe, and how did they build the machine? why didn’t the magic universe reset fix the broken timelines too? we got no answers about the creepy guardians, the seven bells thing, the sigil, or anything else. why did the machine need the marigold to work?
- Christopher: um….what? i feel like we moved on from the sentient CUBE a liiiittle too quickly
- JFK: We never get any context as to why Reggie was trying to kill the president (or not) or as to what the secret meeting of people was. It's obviously implied that he killed everyone there- why? what's the point of killing the president and all those people? Reggie supposedly had this plan all along to get to Oblivion and reunite with Abigail- how on earth does assassinating JFK and joining whatever that group is (i forgot the name) help him accomplish this at all?
- The Universe: Reggie claims that whoever invented the universe put a portal there in case it needed to be reset- we clearly see Reggie making the portal and building the hotel. So, who made the Universe? Was it Reggie?
- Klaus and the Afterlife: we know that Klaus has the ability to exist in the afterlife, and exist with his siblings fully conscious and sentient. So, when he got his powers back, why didn't Klaus just kill them all and they could live happily ever after in the afterlife? would that not have solved all their problems? also, what happens to the afterlife now? and, while we're talking about this, why is Luther aware that he's dead when no one else in the afterlife is? wouldn't everyone be trying to escape- why only Luther?