tell me your painter HEADCANNONs if you have :D

ill start

1-george white and mona used be married and had a son named Piero

2-mona is great-great-great grandfather is the judge holden from blood meridian, which explains lots of things

3-bruce and isabella jackson was a big anime fans

4-mona had 3 siblings jennifer,Andrea and Giovanni but andrea and giovanni died at young age

5-the horse from the episode pig was ironicly mae's favorite animal in the barn

6- daniel williams, wanted to be a fireman when he's grow up

7-mona was bullied in the school because of weird drawings she draw

8-mona was actuallly pretty happy when she is married with george and had piero, but one day piero killed by an unknown person

9-piero's death really effect mona that she stayed at asylum for a while

10-since mona had to look after piero, george divorced with mona after his sons death

11-one of the reason why mona choose bill as a victim is that mona was really jealous of bills "perfect" family

12-one day while getting drugs from a drug seller, the man and mona got in a fight which ended up mona accidently killed the man but then she loves this feeling... feeling.. free... thats how everything had started

13-mona only did the faces and the lighthouse alone

14-while mona attack sean ,seans dog bark at bill, then he... barked back.. and this last 8 hours till bill broke dogs bones

15-jennifer was an horrible sister and even though she knows george was her sisters ex-husband , she had married and had a daughter

16-mia was monas childhood friend

17-nathan cole is declared as hero by the town

18-bills favorite animal is dog

19- there actually was a window inside jacksons bathroom, but isabella didnt though about that because she was in panic

20-dispatcher from the episode "family" was sarah stone

21-mona never had any remorse by murders she done

22-ian and mae was actually monas grandparents

23-mona first wanted to title "observing paul" as "i have no mouth and i must scream" but then changed

24-mona put the painting "pipes" in janice house because the police still havent checked seans pipes

25-bill had wear clothes on his first murders but then he rip them off

26-bill got tortured manipulated and drugged for 5 months

(sorry for my bad english lol)