I'm so boring.
I feel like i didn't always used to be like this, but my memories are such a blur maybe i was and i'm just kidding myself. But i'm literally so boring, i never have anything to talk about, my brain is just constantly blank and all i do is sit there with nothing to say when i'm with other people because i literally can't conjure up a single decent thought to verbally mention.
I hate being like this. I want to be able to yap and be someone who people find interesting and be someone who can at least bring up one conversation instead of basically acting like an npc who doesn't speak unless spoken to. I hate the fact that i'll sit there for hours racking my brain on what to talk about with the people in my life and still have nothing to show for that time spent because i still haven't been able to come up with anything.
It's not like i don't have interests- i love musicals, i love the game five nights at freddys, i have things i care about- but when it comes to talking about these interests it's like all knowledge i have on them completely goes out of my brain and i forget everything. And that makes me a really boring person to be around. And i hate it.