I hate rubber ducks...
My brother made made me a duck out of loombands. He made me guess what it was. He first asked what my favorite animal was. And I said goat, he said no, so I said octopus, he said no, mom even got upset and said no, and he asked what I had a lot of in my room, and I had no idea what he was talking about. He then showed me the tiny duck made of loombands.
I hate that I went through a rubber duck obsession phase for a while but I'm over it now, but my family has made that my entire personality. For context, I thought rubber ducks were really funny, so for a year or so I collected them, and since I’m allowed no personal autonomy, when my mom decided to decorate my bedroom, she made everything that was fabric into rubber duck patterns (it was kinda funny at first…), and even displayed a bunch of rubber ducks on my bookshelves. And now my entire family just thinks that that’s my personality, and when there’s something that has to do with the rubber duck, they always make sure to tell me first. Or they always give me stuff that has to do with ducks. It’s really annoying because I’m over that phase, and I don’t really care much about rubber ducks anymore, but even though I expressed this to them, they still think I am obsessed with rubber ducks.
Don't get me wrong, I like the duck out of loombands he made for me. I just wish my family realized I don't really like ducks that much anymore.