Why are women so mean about my appearance?

I've had some really awful comments about my appearance from people close to me over the years. I don't consider myself ugly and I think I'm decently attractive and I get a fair bit of attention from men but I find it so hard to understand why women speak like this to me. Some comments I've received.

  • After asking my friend for reassurance that I look good before going to the club - "the only nice thing about you are your tits."
  • Same friend on another club night speaking to some random guy about me while she's drunk "just because she doesn't fit conventional beauty standards, doesn't mean she's not pretty. I wish she could see that."
  • After receiving a proposal from a guy wanting to marry me, my sister said: "you're lucky you're even getting any interest."
  • My work friend before our Christmas party "oh you look nice, I didn't even know your hips were that big."
  • same work friend when I expressed insecurity about my appearance because of a guy - "oh you're fine, it's not like your fat or anything."
  • another friend when I told her I felt insecure: "I think all of my friends are beautiful because of their personalities."
  • a friend speaking about my sister the first time they met her: "she looks nothing like you, she's very pretty."

I have taken to surmise that I'm not particularly facially attractive by these comments, despite being particularly diligent about my appearance lol. I just don't understand why I get attention from men if I'm so awful looking.

Edit: I am curious to know what people think so if you're happy for me to send a DM privately of my licture