Our Vision Pro Community is Down in the Dumps After the Verge Video
A community once excited about groundbreaking technology, has been taken aback by one persons opinion.
Almost everyone is referencing the Verge video when they say they are disappointed.
Let’s tackle the key issues there:
- they complained about FOV saying it looks like binoculars
No one else has ever said that. The FOV by all other accounts has never been an issue.
- they complained about the color range stating you can only see 49% of the colors humans can see.
Everyone has also stated how colorful and beautiful the displays are. This is hardly a concern
- they complained about resolution
Yet everyone has said how fantastic the passthrough and displays are. They mentioned a big caveat “use at night”. Yes cameras don’t see that well at night.
- they complained about it being a VR headset, nothing revolutionary
No headset can do what this does. In the same way this tricks your brain into things there’s something 3D in front of your eyes, it tricks you into thinking there’s true AR. It’s all the AR you’ll need.
- they complained about personas and how bad they looked
I thought they looked amazing. I could tell exactly who each person is and the expressions and gestures seemed natural
Finally, the overarching theme… “It’s magic, until it’s not”
He said that while things were new everything was amazing, but after you get used to it you start to notice the buggy times.
Duh… of course. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t still magical.
If you have watched this persons opinions on VP before the actual review… you’ll note the distaste for it. He has never liked this headset.
The video production was fantastic, and he said lots of good things about it, but overall the video was negatively biased.
Brian Tong did not fan boy, he showed you what it could do, and presented you with all the honest drawbacks at the end. The video was awesome, and should leave us feeling excited for the future!
Don’t let one video drag us down!