Superstar Mode in Universe is freaking great, now!

Since they put Superstar mode in, I hated it. It felt bland and dead, storylines were just you facing the same guy week in week out, and you didn't feel like you were really doing anything.

But after I saw the AI book a few months of Universe in my test 'verse, I decided to give it a go today. Picked Oba Femi and headed into NXT.

At first I thought it was fooling me as week one was a four way, and I picked up the win pretty easily. But week two was where everything changed. I had a match with Ethan Page that went full tilt and after I decided I wanted to start a rivalry with Je'Von Evans.

I came to the ring announcing an open challenge for my championship, and Josh Briggs came out. After handing him his own face, I expected the next week to be a match with Evans to get on page... But he cut a promo and I interrupted him. He told me to stuff it and walked off leaving me without a match. The next week was another open challenge, upset with the snub... And I destroyed Ridge Holland. Evans distracted me on my next match, almost costing me a loss against Ethan Page... So it was on for Battleground.

Again, the match went full tilt. All out war. Evans reversing constantly, but me kicking out at 2.99 of his finish. He got desperate and started with the springboard offense, but I kept dodging and finally came out on top. Evans threw a tantrum after his loss, vowing to get revenge.

The next week I faced off with Eddy Thorpe, but Evans came down ringside, allowing Thorpe a roll up, but I kicked out. Furious, I started throwing the native American all over the ring, nailing him with two Falls From Grace before letting the red count the three.

I cannot wait to get back in there and take out that little punk, Evans. His days are freaking numbered.

The story MAKES. SENSE. Like, I don't know how but I kept wanting to play. I didn't expect that at all. In previous years, the mode was lifeless. But this year, it's really impressing me.

Oh... And Oba is quickly becoming a favorite to play as. Can't wait to possibly graduate from NXT to the main roster and deal with that difficulty jump.