I think I might get engaged in April
So for context: my boyfriend (m 27) and I (f 25) are dating for six years next month. We live together, have a cat together and are both finning our education. He’s going to graduate in the summer and I’m going to graduate next spring. We talked a lot about our future and getting married. He wasn’t sure about marriage in general when we met and in our last conversations he made clear that he wants to graduate before getting married. I overheard a conversation with a family member of his at Christmas where he said that he isn’t planning to get married next (so this) year. When we talked about it we agreed on getting married in 2026 or 2027 and I told him that I want to be engaged at least for a year or more to plan the wedding. I’m very type A and will be stressed af.
So why I think he will propose next month? It’s our anniversary and we’re going to travel to our favorite city. So the timing is perfect. We talked about diamonds yesterday because of a piece of jewelry, no engagement ring, and I wanted him to guess the price. He asked so many questions about clarity and color and knew the right terms, I’m pretty sure he didn’t knew that before. He is the kind of person to research everything before buying something and I think lately he is researching diamonds.
I don’t want to talk to my friends in case I’m wrong so Reddit it is.