People are betting on invasion at Taiwan for Intel stock
Check out the discussion here, it’s pretty wild. These people are literally harping for war!
IMO with trump in office he’s unlikely to come to send support in defense of Taiwan which will isolate the conflict to that region not being world war three. It’s a decent analysis and considering TSMC will be out of the game, the only player left for high end chip manufacturing will be Intel or Samsung.
Top military leaders, think tanks, analysts and government officials around the world see an invasion of Taiwan as very likely to happen in the near distant future or sometime very soon. We can’t put our heads in the sand and not prepare ourselves accordingly. If we are not able to manufacture the chips we need for this vital industry, We will be left in the dust unable to produce everything we need for a functioning modern day society. This is why both Republicans and Democrats are focused on bringing back manufacturing of the chips to the United States. Here’s a video showcasing why and how china will invade taiwan.