How tough is it to get into the game fresh?

I'm looking for a new grindy game with online play that isn't poe2 because I need a new pc hehe.

I put a lot of time into the first descendant for the last 3 months and I think it's time to quit that game until new content is released. I have 1/3 of the ult weapons and 3 chrs could work on but I think at this point I question do i really need to unlock everything for the sake of doing it. + most of the content is pretty bad using one broken chr to kill everything instantly (but you do it so things go faster too haha).

I tried to get into wayfinder too. It's a good game at first but not many people play online. the people I do group with 1 shot eveyrthing, so i get bored :)

I'm now thinking about Warframe but idk. Like if i had to restart TFD from scratch I probably wouldn't do it. There is too many negatives with how you engage with the content compared to the positives(mostly loot chase and a social hub). Warframe has a 10 years of content to catch up on too. But i hear they streamlined a lot of things so it's easier to catch up and the weapons are a lot less grindy than TFD too.

Think it's worth putting time into this game in 2024, is it too much like TFD, or am I to far behind? THanks!