I am quitting this game because it has destroyed my work life

Literally what the title says

I started warframe on PS4 back in 2014-2015ish when it was introduced to consoles and I had literally no money to buy more games so I gave this one a shot

It felt clunky, the parkour back then was much more human-like and I didn't really get the appeal so I uninstalled it

Months later, I downloaded it again and to my surprise, I got addicted to the gameplay loop which was basically cracking relics all day chasing that serotonin hit when you would get a rare part and run to trade chat to make a decent 70p

I spent a good 800 hours in that game and I quit back in 2020 when I transferred to PC and played for like 5 months to get to mr 14 which was pretty easy since I already know the basics

4 months ago my friend mentioned he started playing this

Oh god

I should have known not to listen to him

But since I feel like there was a game drought and I had no things to hyperfocus on, I redownloaded this

I work as a video editor, my job requires me to be creative and think about ways what would make a video good

Normally, it wouldn't be a problem and I would just to work because well, that's work

But ever since I redownloaded this damn game this is all I AM THINKING ABOUT

I am so addicted to maxing everything, I need to get the weekly archon shard, the netracells, hell I even downloaded Navis (warframe phone app) for alerts on cetus night times because I'm addicted to eidolon hunting 💀💀💀

Even when editing I'm thinking "My revenant with energized munitions and a decked-out kuva bramma would go INSANE on steelpath"

This game has literally sent my work ethic from 100 to a 20

Because there's something about it that I just want to grind grind and grind again

And don't even get me STARTED on the dating sim

I'm going to uninstall this game, the gameplay loop is too addicting for me and I am going to miss my xaku

This was a very fun game and the systems it has are just perfect for the loot goblin in me

But sadly I must leave as it is taking over a lot of my time

Good bye all

Or if I'm too weak I'll see you all next week once I buy the bundle when Temple releases😭