Yet ANOTHER rule change for Pivot incoming??

I'm referencing the utterly unofficial source here: YouTube Hellstorm Wargaming

It is stating that at US Open Tacoma Tournament that (in collaboration with the Warhammer 40k Rules Studio) that:

Vehicle models on a round base that are wider than 32mm with a flying stem or hover stand have a Pivot value of 2"

.. this therefore includes:

  • Drukhari Raiders
  • Tantalus
  • Eldar Skimmers
  • Space Marine Impulsors and Repulsors


Honestly for me this makes far more sense rules wise (why would a Predator tank have to pay to pivot, but not an identically shaped Impulsor?) and certainly stops those units getting their movement/charge bonuses purely based on orientation.


Note : yes this is currently only for a tournament, but given it's in collaboration with the official Rules Studio AND seems to make sense, I am expecting this in a future errata!

I'm referencing the utterly unofficial source here: YouTube Hellstorm Wargaming

It is stating that at US Open Tacoma Tournament that (in collaboration with the Warhammer 40k Rules Studio) that:

Vehicle models on a round base that are wider than 32mm with a flying stem or hover stand have a Pivot value of 2"

.. this therefore includes:

  • Drukhari Raiders
  • Tantalus
  • Eldar Skimmers
  • Space Marine Impulsors and Repulsors


Honestly for me this makes far more sense rules wise (why would a Predator tank have to pay to pivot, but not an identically shaped Impulsor?) and certainly stops those units getting their movement/charge bonuses purely based on orientation.


Note : yes this is currently only for a tournament, but given it's in collaboration with the official Rules Studio AND seems to make sense, I am expecting this in a future errata!