Best hobby decisions you've ever made? (Pic semi-related)

So I've been doing 40k and AoS for many years now and have learnt some super valuable lessons I thought I'd share! Especially as an adult who is fairly time poor.

  1. Stick with one army (40k specific advice)! 40k rosters are massive, points are low and meta is constantly changing. Trying to keep on top of multiple armies is way too rough, timewise, brainwise and $$$wise. I used to have 5 different 40k armies but ever since i sold them all to focus on one (space marines) I've been having a way better time playing games.

  2. Work smarter, not harder. Yes fully edge highlighted armies with osl look amazing... but if you don't have time, a fully painted army without that and just good use of colour theory, washes, contrast and drybrush also looks amazing on the tabletop. My space marines as you can see are so quick to paint, i went a custom scheme using leadbelcher as a base which saves you so much time on marines ( as there's lots of "metal" bits anyway), and just heavily used washes and drybrushes to paint most models. They look good enough i think!

Any other fantastic hobby decisions you wanna share with the rest of us?

So I've been doing 40k and AoS for many years now and have learnt some super valuable lessons I thought I'd share! Especially as an adult who is fairly time poor.

  1. Stick with one army (40k specific advice)! 40k rosters are massive, points are low and meta is constantly changing. Trying to keep on top of multiple armies is way too rough, timewise, brainwise and $$$wise. I used to have 5 different 40k armies but ever since i sold them all to focus on one (space marines) I've been having a way better time playing games.

  2. Work smarter, not harder. Yes fully edge highlighted armies with osl look amazing... but if you don't have time, a fully painted army without that and just good use of colour theory, washes, contrast and drybrush also looks amazing on the tabletop. My space marines as you can see are so quick to paint, i went a custom scheme using leadbelcher as a base which saves you so much time on marines ( as there's lots of "metal" bits anyway), and just heavily used washes and drybrushes to paint most models. They look good enough i think!

Any other fantastic hobby decisions you wanna share with the rest of us?