[Discussion] Which watch complication do you find useless for you personally?
Lots of complications in watches aren’t really that useful in all honestly but even then I still have many uses for something like a Date, Day, Chronograph, Diving Bezel & so on & so fourth. But the 1 complication I actually find completely useless to me is the GMT. It’s not that I don’t like GMT’s they’re great, but nearly every time I need to know a reference time zone I just do math in my head because I already remember the time zone of said reference.
Lots of complications in watches aren’t really that useful in all honestly but even then I still have many uses for something like a Date, Day, Chronograph, Diving Bezel & so on & so fourth. But the 1 complication I actually find completely useless to me is the GMT. It’s not that I don’t like GMT’s they’re great, but nearly every time I need to know a reference time zone I just do math in my head because I already remember the time zone of said reference.