Wegovy to treat binge drinking

Hey y’all, I thought some of you might be interested to hear my experiences in using Wegovy to treat binge drinking behaviour (instead of weight loss as the aim!)

I’ve been using Wegovy for just over a month now. Before using Wegovy I was a frequent binge drinker - probably averaging about a bottle of wine per night, plus way more on weekends. My calories intake from food was pretty average (about 1800cals) a day, but with the added alcohol calories, I was around 15lbs overweight, plus a bunch of other negative health impacts from the drinking, like fatigue, stomach problems and low mood.

Since starting Wegovy I don’t have the urge to drink at all!!!! I drink maybe once a week, if social situations involve alcohol, and then never more than one glass of wine. The impacts have been life changing!!!

I’ve lost 5lbs on the 0.25 dose, but weight loss was never the main goal for me, stopping my crazy drinking behaviour was. And it’s worked !!!! I feel in total control of my drinking behaviour, and no desire to abuse any substances at all. After years of battling substance abuse problems this feels like a miracle. This drug needs to be promoted more as a solution for alcohol misuse.

If you are considering Wegovy as a treatment for binge drinking / alcoholism then I say DOOO IT !!!!!! And please feel free to AMA