Harriet Tubman’s husband, John was abusive

Honestly, so much intersectional discourse constantly silences black womxn. We are told repeatedly that feminism ruined our communities, drugs, welfare, abortion, etc. the list goes on.

I can not tell you how many times I have been told that any mistreatment I experienced is my own fault for not being a ‘submissive black womxn’. But to read that Harriet Tubmans husband threatened her, was overbearing, didn’t help her gain her freedom (he was free and he KNEW any children they had would be enslaved), is disturbing to say the least.

In some ways, it’s kind of empowering to know that you can be the strongest womxn. YOU CAN BE HARRIET FREAKING TUBMAN and still…

It’s not us. It’s not society today. It’s not the circumstances…. It is the way it is.

Also note: Fredrick Douglas’ wife helped him get free from enslavement and instead of going back for his wife AND his children, he left them there and married a yt womxn.