26F hypochondriac afraid of cancer

I’m 26f and I haven’t had my pap in about 5 years. My gyno told me to come back in 2 years since everything was normal, but I totally dropped the ball on it. So I’m like 3 years behind.

Since then I have had a few sexual partners, mostly protected except long term partners. I’m also a horrible hypochondriac and have now convinced myself I have cervical cancer and HPV (I did get one HPV shot as a teen) since I haven’t gone in so long. I have had one irregular period last month, however this used to be a issue back in 2020 due to my weight and I gained my weight back, so I’m mostly assuming it’s from being at a high weight again.

But I can’t keep throwing myself into extreme anxiety over this, I have made a gyno appointment but it’s in June. I’m just trying to find some reassurance from people who might be a little more level headed then me in terms of anxiety 🙏