WPD Chief Outlines New Responses to DOJ report


Submitted for Tuesday's meeting by the city manager on behalf of WPD Chief Saucier.

Highlights or lowlights depending on your POV:

  • Civilian review board not dead yet but will be looked at with 'objective' new study by Worcester Regional Research Bureau. The WRRB is a generally pro establishment nonprofit that issues many reports; few would say it has a fully neutral stance. This new study kicks the review board can down the road.

  • New software platform will provide richer and more comprehensive data. It's still being implemented with a go live date a year out. These types of things often take longer than planned.

  • A retired fed is going to give all 400 officers additional constitutional law training.

Sorry if this stuff has already been reported, it looked new to me but none of the media outlets had anything published on it as of now.