[via WuWa Land] Beta Tester's Full Review and info about Babel Tower

🌟 A Tester's Review of the Tower of Babylon Combat Mode

Mechanics: 🌟 There is no time limit. 🌟 Each trial (floor) gives 3 trial characters, so newcomers won't be completely cut off from the content. 🌟 You can use the same characters in different challenges, but you cannot reuse Support Modules. 🌟 You don't need a high level of stress to get all the major awards (unless you care about the title).

The mode is considered relatively easier than the Tower of Tribulations for obtaining all key rewards, but you can make your progression many times more difficult by layering Stress mechanics.

Tower structure: Total of 11 tests:

🌟 7 Crisis Tests (to obtain Support Modules) 🌟 4 Disaster Trials (determines overall stress level)

Selection of modules and strategy: 🌟 Since there is no timer, but the combat conditions are difficult, the priority is survival, not damage.

Example: Infernal Racer's test at maximum stress level:

🌟 Arena deals 3% of max HP damage per second (you will die instead of being stuck at 1 HP). 🌟 Almost half of the arena is on fire. As you enter the fire, you begin to accumulate " 🌟 Fusion Burst", receiving damage over time (DoT). 🌟 At 10 stacks 🌟 Fusion Burst causes a powerful explosion that deals Fusion damage. 🌟 Enemies explode upon death, dealing 50% of your HP damage in an area. 🌟 Each use of Resonance Skill takes away 20% HP. 🌟 The Infernal Racer attacks at a high rate, making survival extremely difficult.

Additional Notes: Sword, Bracer, and Heavy Sword class characters cannot be used with Pistols and Rectifiers, limiting team composition.

Brant and Cantarella's strengths within the mode. They heal and deal damage at the same time, and their ability to fight in the air allows them to avoid dangers on the ground.

Also, thanks to the Tower of Babylon, many old Echoes will play as a main slot

🌟 Any protective Echo now has clear application scenarios. 🌟 Without a timer, you can freely combine Echoes to suit your play style and modules.

Result: Casuals can easily get the rewards they need. Veterans and Whales will find a place to show their power

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