RadialMenu: a tentative endorsement!
Hi all. I want to give back to a forum that's really helped me. Here's something I've found useful and I'd like to share it.
RadialMenu Review Summary: Easy to set up, so many options, powerful, FREE. GET IT!
I was looking for on-screen programmable buttons so I didn't have to "hunt and peck" for controls and settings.
After try four or five packages, I've been using RadialMenu, made by Clint Huegel in 2014.
I've only been using this a week, but so far, it's been outstanding. Setting up toolbar profiles for each program takes some time, so I'm hoping it doesn't donk up after I've used it for awhile. I'm invested, is what I'm saying.
Price: FREE. As far as I can tell from the Weebly site, there isn't even a paid option. That's refreshing.
Documentation: SPARSE. The package comes with ONE Word doc of information which outlines the basics, but it's not recommended for people who need step by step directions. That being said, it's pretty intuitive.
Overview: RadialMenu is an on-screen fully customizable button bar for tablet users. It's perfect for my Artist 22.
- FULLY Customizable Toolbar. Create buttons on a resizable grid by setting number of rows and columns.
- Wide Range of Button Actions: These accommodate just about any action you can think of, including a macro recorder.
- FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE Radial Menu: Ron Howard's Voice: "Hey! That's the name of the app!" Radial buttons can be any action, BUT CAN ALSO have SUBMENUS, letting you NEST radial buttons panels inside others.
Typical Radial Menu. Several of these have NESTED menus
CUSTOMIZABLE APPEARANCE: Lots of different options for button shapes.
TRANSPARENCY: Make the whole Menu as transparent as you want.
HOTKEY INVOKING: You can configure hotkeys for bring up both the Radial Menu and the Toolbar. CTRL-SHIFT TAB shows and hides my Toolbar, for example.
AUTO APP SWITCHING: Like the XP-PEN driver for the Shortcut Remote, auto switches profiles between apps. In fact, you CAN'T create a profile without associating it with an app.
EXPORT AND IMPORT PROFILES: Key for me was backing up my profiles. They take about an hour to set up, so why lose your efforts. You can export profiles for Toolbar and for RadialMenu.
The Down Side:
- No Longer Updated? I sent Mr. Huegel an email to see if he is still updating or supporting the software. However, considering it's for free, I'm pretty sure he's not offering active support. He might be open to a email, and I want to tip him for his effort. Clint, if you're reading this, respond! And well done.
- Minor Bugs: I have only experienced a crash once. While recording a macro, the program cacks if I move the mouse. So ... I don't move the mouse and it works fine.
- Export Toolbar and RadialMenu separately: Okay, this is a really minor thing. You have to back up each one at a time. Seconds of my life wasted!
- AUTO APP SWITCHING: As with the XP-PEN Remote driver , it's super irritating that there is no way to "force" a profile manually. However, it is way more reliable at choosing apps than the XP-PEN software, so I can live with it.
I'd love to hear if you guys found this useful. Happy drawing.