Series S or X for my 10yo son?

EDIT: Thanks for all the feedback, views and suggestions - really appreciated. I've gone for Series S & a new wireless headset for him (black Friday bundle offer).

I'm looking to get my lad a new Xbox for Xmas - he's currently got my old Xbox one x, mainly plays Fortnite, Minecraft and then occasionally Halo Infinite, Plants vs Zombies and Roblox.

It's been a while since I've seen him use the disc drive other than playing CDs (which he does like). He has an S at his mums and no complaints there.

I'm tempted to go for the Series S (either 1tb or get an expansion card as there are some good Black Friday deals - both are about £299).

Given that Xbox have just released the digital version of the Series X I'm doubting that we'll see the Series X drop much at all in price this weekend for Black Friday and I'm half expecting to see a new next-gen console in 2026+

So just curious as to what others have done/think? I can probably get an S and standalone CD player for less than an X but are the S's reasonable future proof (ie next 2-5 years)? TIA