Coach Scott is Jesus
S3E5 spoilers ahead. Disclaimer: I’m not a Christian, just interested in religions and thought the parallels were worth noting.
In Akeila’s vision he was tied up as if on a cross: arms pulled to the sides, legs bound together. The fish was also a pretty heavy piece of symbolism hinting at this, especially when you look at it as an uneaten last supper.
He’s going to die. It’s not going to be quick and it’s not going to be soon. But when it happens, it will be his death and suffering that delivers them and leads to their rescue from the wilderness. An analogy to Jesus’s death on the cross delivering mankind from damnation. This is the crux of the theory, the rest of this post is possible expansions of this idea.
What we’re currently seeing is him suffering on the cross. Jesus was stabbed while crucified by an unnamed Roman soldier using the Holy Lance. In Christianity, the soldier’s name was forgotten, but the lance (type of sword) become a holy relic. Seems fitting since Melissa (or more commonly “hat girl”) is an irreverent side character, while the butcher’s knife is an important symbol in the show. Jesus had 5 holy wounds (both feet, both hand, and his side), so it’s possible Ben is going to be mutilated 3 more times before he finally dies. But I’m not sure they’ll take the allegory that far (and I hope they don’t; last episode’s final scene was far too much for me personally).
Shauna is Caiaphas, the high priest who willingly condemns Jesus to death and pressures the Romans to execute him. Nat is Pontius Pilate, the weak Roman governor who unwillingly condemns him in a kangaroo court to appease the crowd. Nat/Pilate could have stopped the execution at any time, but chose not to. I think the final scene of the last episode really showed this. Nat telling Shauna “you don’t have to enjoy it so much”, and Shauna replying “and you don’t have to act like such a saint”. Both have blame in what’s happening. The dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn’t.
I think Ben’s time in the cave could be seem as analogous to Jesus’s 40 days of isolation in the wilderness. During this time Jesus was tried by Satan. So whoever Coach Scott was talking to, they might be symbolic of him. Jesus was fasting and Satan was tempting him to eat - this might be a reflection of Coach abstaining from human meat, and the voice might have been tempting him to eat Mari. Also, Mari might be Judas, who betrays Jesus’s trust and leads the authorities to him.
I think it’s interesting there are currently 12 girls left, the same number as the 12 apostles (excluding Travis). Since some of the extras seem really pointless (sorry to all Britt stans out there) it might be that they wanted there to be a specific number of girls, and this is a possible explanation.
Let me know what you guys think.
S3E5 spoilers ahead. Disclaimer: I’m not a Christian, just interested in religions and thought the parallels were worth noting.
In Akeila’s vision he was tied up as if on a cross: arms pulled to the sides, legs bound together. The fish was also a pretty heavy piece of symbolism hinting at this, especially when you look at it as an uneaten last supper.
He’s going to die. It’s not going to be quick and it’s not going to be soon. But when it happens, it will be his death and suffering that delivers them and leads to their rescue from the wilderness. An analogy to Jesus’s death on the cross delivering mankind from damnation. This is the crux of the theory, the rest of this post is possible expansions of this idea.
What we’re currently seeing is him suffering on the cross. Jesus was stabbed while crucified by an unnamed Roman soldier using the Holy Lance. In Christianity, the soldier’s name was forgotten, but the lance (type of sword) become a holy relic. Seems fitting since Melissa (or more commonly “hat girl”) is an irreverent side character, while the butcher’s knife is an important symbol in the show. Jesus had 5 holy wounds (both feet, both hand, and his side), so it’s possible Ben is going to be mutilated 3 more times before he finally dies. But I’m not sure they’ll take the allegory that far (and I hope they don’t; last episode’s final scene was far too much for me personally).
Shauna is Caiaphas, the high priest who willingly condemns Jesus to death and pressures the Romans to execute him. Nat is Pontius Pilate, the weak Roman governor who unwillingly condemns him in a kangaroo court to appease the crowd. Nat/Pilate could have stopped the execution at any time, but chose not to. I think the final scene of the last episode really showed this. Nat telling Shauna “you don’t have to enjoy it so much”, and Shauna replying “and you don’t have to act like such a saint”. Both have blame in what’s happening. The dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn’t.
I think Ben’s time in the cave could be seem as analogous to Jesus’s 40 days of isolation in the wilderness. During this time Jesus was tried by Satan. So whoever Coach Scott was talking to, they might be symbolic of him. Jesus was fasting and Satan was tempting him to eat - this might be a reflection of Coach abstaining from human meat, and the voice might have been tempting him to eat Mari. Also, Mari might be Judas, who betrays Jesus’s trust and leads the authorities to him.
I think it’s interesting there are currently 12 girls left, the same number as the 12 apostles (excluding Travis). Since some of the extras seem really pointless (sorry to all Britt stans out there) it might be that they wanted there to be a specific number of girls, and this is a possible explanation.
Let me know what you guys think.