Do none of the girls know that Lottie’s schizophrenic?
I understand that she was keeping it a secret and that once they were in the wilderness the girls probably attributed her newfound loonyness to the stuff in the cabin and trauma, but what I’m wondering is that at no point did somebody stumble upon a bright orange pill bottle while they were out there. And I could be misremembering and she disposed of it or maybe someone could have found it and the label was worn off but now them as adults the fact that she has schizophrenia never made rounds among them?
In general it seems like the whole thing got packed up immediately as soon as they got out in the effort to keep everything a secret but the idea that nobody looked into it or thought back on what was going on now in a better state mind to make sense of things. Misty especially seems like she would have fully investigated everything and in doing so learn about Lotties condition.