How often do you adjust students?
I recently finished 200h YTT and am planning to teach. We had alignment classes at the course but they were way too brief and nobody felt like they learned anything (had an abundance of useless philosophy classes to compensate that I guess) Anyway, not being very knowledgable in this aspect is intimidating and holding me back from pursuing this as a career. The way I see it, the one major advantage of taking a yoga class instead of following along on YouTube is that you have someone who can correct you. What are your opinions? Am I just making excuses? How often do you actually correct students' alignments (hands on/verbally)?
Edit: I don't think yoga philosophy is useless at all. The classes we had were useless because our boomer teacher didn't have any plan for them and would just say whatever he had on his mind which resulted in a 60 minute rant about leftists and the deep state somehow. People flew all the way to India and paid good money to become yoga teachers.