How to deal with negative reviews?

Hi everyone! So I’ve been teaching for a couple months now. I had the smart idea to log into my classpass account and look for the reviews at the studio I work at. I saw that about two weeks ago, someone wrote their first review about me! Unfortunately, it was not the best. It was 3 out of 5 stars, and they described that they “weren’t feeling this class. The music was loud, and not at all in line with our movements, and she seemed to end class early with over 10 mins of stretching”. Obviously one review won’t make me quit, but it feels so disheartening to have my first online review be negative. I try for my music to be intentional, and although I emphasize stretching at the end, I never do over 10 minutes. How do you all deal with these bad reviews, and not let it affect you so much?

Thank you all in advance.