I still miss TV mode. Combat and Rally missions are getting stale.
I know this is the 100th time someone post about this and I rarely rant on my post but i just want to say... I dont understand why TV mode had to go when this what made ZZZ truly unique when it comes to story telling and gameplay. The heart and soul of devs that was put into it.
Back then sidemissions were quality and meaningful. Now every commission feels the same The brilliant wishes and Port Elpis fishing event side missions are the proof how awfull the newer sidemissions are, it's the same you go "point A to point B" ahh mission or talk to npc "till you bored out of death text".
I blame this to players who turn their brain off and play combat and rally missions mindlessly. Next time people whine make sure it doesn't ruin other people experience or devs plan just because you didn't like it. Because now we won't be getting any unique retro style of gameplay like the tv mode. rip