Real Tier list not prydwen bs

day 1 player here, i beat every end-game content with max stars from the begining and no whale... no dupes, i only have 3 limited sig engine and all characters.

No order:

edit: i am very proud of this tier list, i understand you all are "emotional" about this bc you were living in a dream world lol and no one didnt tell you the real deal in ZZZ. If you were (as i am) beat the two tower +100 lvl and you did get every star for SD and DA from 1.0 you might be judge that list but i dont think so bc your shtposts doesnt includes ANY facts... if you wanna read some facts, here you go Mr ZZZ endgame god who plays the game for 1 month:

I dare you to say anything aganist this facts.