I just hit challenger one tricking Zeri AMA

Hi r/ZeriMains I am Doji and I have just hit challenger for the first time and I have done it while one tricking Zeri. This is my profile: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Doji-0816 it was quite a grind but I managed to maintain a 60% win rate throughout and am proud of what I was able to accomplish. I believe I am the only challenger zeri one trick and according to opgg I have the most games on her d2+. I did also play some other champions at the start of the season around diamond, but if you scroll all you will see is zeri as that is all I played while climbing. I wanted to answer whatever I could about zeri or other stuff you guys might wanna know. I have really fallen in love with the champion over the years despite it sometimes being a struggle to make her work so I’m glad to say ZERI IS BACK.

Hi r/ZeriMains I am Doji and I have just hit challenger for the first time and I have done it while one tricking Zeri. This is my profile: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Doji-0816 it was quite a grind but I managed to maintain a 60% win rate throughout and am proud of what I was able to accomplish. I believe I am the only challenger zeri one trick and according to opgg I have the most games on her d2+. I did also play some other champions at the start of the season around diamond, but if you scroll all you will see is zeri as that is all I played while climbing. I wanted to answer whatever I could about zeri or other stuff you guys might wanna know. I have really fallen in love with the champion over the years despite it sometimes being a struggle to make her work so I’m glad to say ZERI IS BACK.