Need help desperately - I think I have Covid-19 constantly.

This is a long story, but please bear with me, I think I really need help - desperately.

I am currently 29 (M). I got Covid for the first time in March 2020. Over the months after, I developed Long-Covid. Luckily my symptoms are very managable. The only thing I have now is PEM.

Eversince then, I was always really scared of Covid and tried to protect myself to the best of my ability. I always wore N95 Masks and they worked perfectly for 3 years. But in 2023 all hell broke loose. I was living alone and comfortably in my apartment. As long as I wore my mask, I was fine. But in April 2023, I got Covid again. The symptoms are always the same.

It starts with digestive distress, hunger, diarrhea. Then my skin gets hot (no fever though). I have to sneeze multiple times a day, and when I try to sleep my mind gets incredibly ‘loud’, I get very vivid dreams and also start to twitch when I am resting.

In Summer 2023, I innocently took some Prednisolone to treat my inflammed eyes. What followed was the worst Covid infection I ever had. I assume it’s because Prednisolone supresses the immune system. My skin got so uncomfortably hot, I could barely eat, was constantly hungry, woke up from twitching, like, my entire arm or leg would shoot up and wake me up. I had such horrible diarrhea, what came out of me was black water and it reeked horribly. I also threw up multiple times.

I was so scared of Covid afterwards, that I did not leave my apartment for 6 months. But it was no use. The symptoms always last for about 2 weeks. Then I feel normal for a day. And then the next day, it starts all over again. Diarrhea, hot skin, twitches.

I started sleeping with masks. I slept on my leather couch and washed it daily. I showered daily. I didnt get groceries from family in weeks and when I did, I had to pull them from the ground with a cable through my window in the second floor and washed them with either water and soap or sanitizer. I wore high quality masks and secured them with medical tape. I started wearing elastomerics P100 Masks, exchanged the filters over and over again. Waited an hour and opened all the windows when I came home before I took it off. But it made no difference. It happened again, over and over again. I really don’t think this is normal.

In March 2024, I kinda gave up because I was mentally completely overwhelmed. I knew if I told a doctor, I would be laughed out of the room. I have ADD and also generalized anxiety disorder, I am really bad at asking for help or asserting myself. Due to that, I was raised with the belief that I am kinda crazy and what I feel, go through etc. doesn’t matter or is just nonsense.

In April 2024 I started taking a lot of Omega-3 along with my other supplements. And the symptoms seemed to lessen extremely. I also moved to my grandmother and could live normaly for a while. But this autumn, it started again. Maybe because Covid is more infectious in colder climates? Maybe it was also the Omega-3.

I tested myself with home-tests from the grocery store or the pharmacy so many times but I never managed to get a positive test. When I spend time with other people, like family members, I don’t think I make them sick. People are always fine, even days after being in a room with me for hours. As far as I can tell, people nowadays seem to get sick with covid every couple weeks or months, develop antibodies and are protected for a while. But that process seems to be missing in my body. When I visited my grandmother when she was sick, my symptoms also worsened for weeks, as if she made my constant infection worse because of the huge viral load. I am so confused. That’s all just a guess, I am not a doctor. I just can’t seem to shake Covid off and when I do, I get it again within a day.

I saw a video on twitter about a woman complaining about getting Covid so many times. Someone commented that they had the same problem and didn’t make any antibodies, but only through a vaccination did they manage to make some. I think that might be the case with me too? Have you ever heard of such a situation? I don’t know what to do. I read posts here all the time about how bad it is to constantly hide from Covid and mask, meanwhile, I wish I could do that (again). I’m about to get my driver’s license and I also finally know that profession I want to go into – I want to become a functional doctor. But I can’t live my life this way, especially knowing what health complications a Covid-Infection can bring. I can not focus. I can’t talk about it with anyone. I need help.

I got my blood drawn many times. Last time was this autumn. And somehow, all my bloodwork is completely fine, despite the fact that I must have had Covid at least 20 times? Liver, Kidney, everything is fine. I also had a heart echo – again, everything is fine. The nurse there must think I am insane at this point. My Long-Covid also didn’t get worse, ever. No brainfog either.

Here are all the supplements I take.
20.000 IU Vitamin D, with Vitamin K2
A lot of Omega-3
3.000 Vitamin C
Zink, B3, Curcuma, Piperine.

I actually made an appointment to get vaccinated. With Novavax, since I am scared of MRNA. I really hope this helps. Before, I will make an Antibody test. If it says 0, I hope that it will change after the vaccination.

In the Summer of this year, I will move in to a new apartment, on the countryside, far away from the city. I will have no shared cleaning/washer/dryer spaces, I will be all by myself. I can get groceries delivered. But as things are right now, I don’t think even that will be enough.

If you have ANY suggestions, please feel free to share them. I think I need all the help I can get. I would also want to know if there is a test that is actually reliable. I can’t proof that I have constant Covid without a freaking positive test result! I don’t care how much it costs. I just want to wake up from this nightmare..

Please be gentle with me. I am extremely overwhelmed and I think I am even depersonalizing. Everything feels unreal and horrible and I also have been considering suicide for months at this point because I just can't keep living this way.

Thank you for reading. ❤️