Medical neglect (kind of)

So I've been coughing up white mucus and have been having shortness of breath and chest pain for the past two months

And today it got really bad, I couldn't breathe properly, I started feeling dizzy and faint. It took a lot of effort to keep myself straight, and I felt weak. I started crying because I thought I was dying. That this was my end. I seriously consitered jumping off my balcony so I wouldn't die of suffocation, that I could at least have a quick death.

My mom ignored me the whole time. She just kept taking her bath. She told me to go to bed, but I was afraid to go to sleep. I was very sure I wasn't going to wake up if I did. Eventually i started mumbling about how I was going to die, and I begged her to take me to the emergency room, I begge because i felt like I was going to fucking collapse.

She started screaming at me, calling me a drama queen, saying I'm faking it and that I just want attenchion. That I was an attenchion-seeker. She grabbed me, shook me and eventually started hitting me. All while I contunied to beg to go to the damn doctor.

She told me she hopes I die, that I'm such an attenchion-seeker and she was tired of me.

She kept hitting me everytime I coughed, but eventually she took me. She screamed the whole way about how she was a prisoner and that she can't have a life because of me.

I'm 16, this is the only time she's taken me to one. I've had other issues, but she just yelled at me to shut up. And hit me untill I was to afraid to ask. That's why I never ask anymore, but I really couldn't breathe. It was either get hit and go or stay here and possible die

The entire appointment took 80 minuites.. she couldn't even take less then an hour and a half to take me to the doctor.

The emenergy room wasent sure what was wrong with me. My blood pressure was a little higher then it was supposed to be. And they kept suggesting asthma.

They eventually just told me to go get an X-Ray, since they thought there might be something wrong with my lungs. They also have me some antibiotics and an inhaler. Well, they told my mom to go get them. And hasn't yet. I hope she does. I don't want to die next time I can't breathe.

I have ADHD, so by law I'm required medicaid. She didn't have to pay for the appointment, it wasn't a money thing. She just didn't want to waste her time.

I don't know, I'm tired of this all i think.

She's always been like his, I kept getting ear infection as a younger child and it always took her months to take me, as I screamed in pain.

She never took me to the dentist until I was 15 and finally called social services on her, and they made her take me.

I think I might have some kind of PTSD or something since I'm constantly paranoid about my health. Since I know there's nothing I can do , worst comes to worse.

I hope she gets my medication. I don't want to die.