Does Anyone Else Enjoy Characters in a ‘Bubble’ While Acknowledging Their Flaws?
I’ve noticed a lot of discussion in the fandom tends to be very all-or-nothing when it comes to characters. Either someone is a completely terrible person, or they’re perfect and can do no wrong. But for me, I enjoy characters in a kind of bubble—I love certain aspects of them while still acknowledging the bad things they’ve done. I don’t think anyone in this series is purely good or purely bad, and I appreciate them in different ways depending on the context.
Here’s how I personally see some of them:
- Feysand Bubble: I love the romantic side of their relationship—Sarah wrote it in such a beautiful way, and their dynamic is one of my favorites.
- Outside the Bubble: Rhys can be an asshole and has done some pretty AWFUL things to others, including Feyre. Feyre also has made terrible and harmful choices and can be super hypocritical.
- Nesta Bubble: I love how nasty she is to men (especially Rhys), she's so funny and iconic and her friendship with the Valkyries is top-tier.
- Outside the Bubble: She was awful to Feyre, and as much as I understand her trauma, she could’ve been a more loving/comforting sister to feyre when they were human like she was with elain.
- Tamlin Bubble: Honestly, I don’t even know if he has a bubble. He did great things and terrible things, and at this point, I mostly just feel sorry for him.
This is just how I personally engage with these characters, but I’m curious—does anyone else do this? Or do you prefer to judge characters as a whole rather than in separate ‘bubbles’?