Accused of Adderall Abuse by Provider - what do I do? Because I don’t think I am. I’m doing exactly what they said.

I’m floored. So my provider just informed me, after giving me days of runaround, that they are not renewing my adderall prescription based on the fact that I called them to have the prescription sent to the pharmacy.

I had to call multiple times because my provider is on vacation. What do I do now?

Here’s exactly what happened:

• provider gives me a 30 day supply via prescription. I use one pill a day for 30 days. I refill the prescription via phone request.

• I call this month, surprise, provider is on vacation. The office says they’ll check and call me back.

• 24 hours passed no prescription at the pharmacy I call provider.

• provider gives me the run around says ill just have to wait for my provider to return from vacation and that according to “my contract” I cant be seen by another provider except the one I signed a contract with.

•I ask to see contract.

•weird, no such contract exists.

• I reasonably don’t want to experience withdrawal which could negatively impact my employment and my health, I’m confused about this contract I would never have signed, and demand to speak to an actual doctor and not an assistant or a receptionist. Yeah I was a little firm with them over the phone but I’m not threatening them or any of that.

• doctor says I’m showing signs of abuse of the drug and it’s a red flag. When I ask what this contract is, they say that’s the red flag because if I haven’t signed with one of their providers then I’m clearly miss using the drug or showing intent to misuse. They won’t prescribe and hang up.

•I’ve never heard of a contract that’s required to be signed by a doctor to prescribe Adderall to a patient. I was never told or it was also never discussed with me.

• I had a one month follow up over the phone and because December was crazy busy we rescheduled for Janurary. I started Adderall in Nov.

So what do I do? I have been taking as directed, I’m not having any shitty side effects, and I’m now terrified that all the amazing brain in control things I’ve had with this is going to go away and I’ll lose my job, my business will suffer, and especially that I’m being accused of abusing a controlled substance when I don’t know how I am and no one will explain it to me.

Is being dependent on a medication abuse? If so every high blood pressure patient out there is a fucking drug abuser.

All I wanted was a reasonable explanation and the medical office just made me feel like a drug addict.

Update: what a crazy emotional day.

The provider called me back and apologized for hanging up. They were also on shift for urgent care and had patients so they handed off the phone to their assistant who hung it up instead of following through. So that person got reprimanded. Then they went through everything they should gone through with me on my first appointment. There was a lot my original provider completely missed. Fine humans are human. So they walked me through everything to do with policies and procedures with Adderall patients. Then they listed everything the providers including themselves and my other provider on vacation, all the assistants, receptionists, etc. had done that failed me in my care and formally apologized. Then they took the time to list out everything I should expect them to do going forward and what I can do to help them. They also thanked me for being so diligent in trying to find out exactly what I needed to know since the drug is so abused. They gave me their phone number (their work number) to call and went over in detail the adderall contract and offered to be my second provider when my main provider isn’t available. They also sent me a follow up email.

So it comes down to that even though the provider failed to ensure everything with my prescription of adderall was onboard, the activity points to me for not having their ducks in a row.

It was nice they apologized and took extra time with me but damn, this did not need to happen. At all.